1 month of Yoga

Restoring my flexibility
I have a flexible body but it is important that I perfect the yoga poses and perform them effortlessly. Only then I can say that I have reached the maximum flexibility. That happens with practice. Similarly, if I stop practising yoga, I start losing that flexibility.
I can feel that after starting the practice, I do the poses with more confidence especially when I am in the flow.

Adds to my flexibility
Although most of my body is flexible, there are certain parts that need more stretching. So now, my teacher makes sure that I do certain poses regularly so I can achieve flexibility there. I can already see a little bit of improvement.

More self-aware
Meditation and Pranayam are two important pillars of yoga. Meditation is, what we all are aware of, focusing on our breath or one single point and trying to not let our mind wander.
Pranayam is a set of breathing exercises. Of course, we do focus on our breath. But we also try to improve the quality of our breath. We should try to inhale more and consequently exhale more. The less number of breathes we take in a minute, the longer life we live. It is too soon to say but I consciously try to stay focus or bring back my thoughts to present.
I know one month is too little to say that I feel more balanced and more focused. But the idea that yoga makes one self-aware makes me try to be more aware.

Waking up early
This is a byproduct of the Yoga session. I have always wanted to wake up early but I didn’t have any motivation. Now I have a very strong reason.

One month is too early to say anything. But I feel extremely motivated and I thoroughly enjoy the Yoga sessions. And I couldn’t hold myself from writing about it. I hope that I get better and I can perform perfect poses as we see on the internet 😛

PS : I will soon complete my 2nd month of Yoga. I was getting to take some photos of my poses. So here they are –

Gomukhasan - Cow face pose (front side)

Gomukhasan – Cow face pose (front side)

Gomukhasan - Cow face pose (back side)

Gomukhasan – Cow face pose (back side)

Cat Pose - Marjarasan

Cat Pose – Marjarasan


Cow pose - Bitilasan

Cow pose – Bitilasan


Setu Bandhasan - Bridge pose

Setu Bandhasan – Bridge pose

Chakrasan - wheel pose

Chakrasan – Wheel pose